Konverents “Järjepidevalt loov” 5.–6. detsembril TartusConference “Creative Continuity” is part of the anniversary events of Sign Systems Studies
Tartu Ülikooli semiootika osakond jätkab maailma vanima rahvusvahelise semiootikaajakirja “Töid märgisüsteemide alalt” (Sign Systems Study) 50. juubeli üritustesarja kahepäevase ja kahekeelse konverentsiga “Järjepidevalt loov”, mille sihiks on uurida viise, kuidas me mineviku ja mälestustega loominguliselt suhestudes tulevikku loome.
Konverents toimub 5.-6. detsembril 2014. Juubelikonverentsi raames toimub esimene Juri Lotmani Loeng, ettekandjaks Edna Andrews (Duke’i Ülikool, USA), teemaks “The importance of Lotmanian semiotics to sign theory and the cognitive neurosciences”
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With Juri Lotman Lecture by Edna Andrews (Duke University, USA)
According to Juri Lotman, any kind of a semiotic system, be that an individual person, culture, school, or a discipline, is in a continuous state of change, striving at the same time to maintain its own unity and identity. This unity is the result of a complex interactions between conservation and transmission of knowledge, and creation of new knowledge in the system.
Maintaining the identity of a semiotic system relies on self-descriptions that are created in the interaction of past experience and the contemporary context. Those models order our present state, but they are also used for re-ordering our past and in creation of our future. To quote Juri Lotman and Boriss Uspenski (1978): “Culture, connected to the past by memory, does not only create its future, but its past as well.” A semiotic system is a creative system through its consistency in re-creating itself and its past.
The 50th anniversary conference of the journal “Sign Systems Studies” (initially Труды по знаковым системам – Σημειωτικη), established by Juri Loman and his collegues from the Tartu-Moscow School of Semiotics, seeks to provide new looks on the School, as well as on semiotics and culture in general, from the synergy of mnemonic, auto-communicative, and creative perspectives. The topics of the conference will include:
Creative continuity and continual creativity in art, culture, and science;
Remembrance and its value;
Semiotic mechanisms of memory;
Future perspectives, created by the past;
Dependence of memory on the contemporary present;
Creativity in remembering;
Creative development of knowledge, sign systems, and texts;
Sources of novelty in culture and science;
More information about the event.
Best Regards!