Semiotic dimensions of spaces & literacies
August 17-20, 2019, Tartu & Koigi
Juri Lotman proposed that the primary semiotic dualism lies in the duplication of the world in language and the duplication of the human in space: „Genetically speaking, culture is built upon two primary languages. One of these is the natural language used by humans in everyday communication. […] The nature of the second primary language is not so obvious. What is under discussion is the structural model of space“ (Lotman 1992: 142). The organizers of the next Tartu Summer School of Semiotics find continuous inspiration in this statement and call for discussing the functioning of cultural languages as mediators of human and non-human environments and as developers of cultural competence.
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Keynote speakers are:
Kay O’Halloran (University of Liverpool, United Kingdom): Semiotic Dimensions and Spaces
Olga Lavrenova (Institute of Scientific Information on Social Sciences (INION), Russia): The Cultural Landscape as a Metaphor
João Queiroz (Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais, Brazil): Conceptual Space Transformation in Arts through Iconic Intersemiotic Translation